UK Email Hunter Icon

UK Email Hunter

UK Email Hunter, email extractor, email finder grabber hunter spider harvester.

UK Email HunterOverview

UK Email Hunter is an Email Extractor, finder designed to extract email addresses that belong to users from United Kingdom.
The Internet lets companies reach a worldwide audience in a way that was not previously possible. How can you take advantage of this new market for your product or service? The website promotion and marketing specialists at have the answer. Using proprietary technology, you can target your message to visitors from specific Countries, and get thousands of new visitors to your web site.
The most widely used method for acquiring e-mail addresses are: purchasing e-mail databases from various companies on the Internet or getting them manually from the websites of interest.
If the last option is for devoted time-wasters only, the first one could cost you real much: besides the actual price of several hundreds to several thousands dollars, there is a high risk of purchasing non-targeted or outdated databases. This in turn may result in low return rate and what’s more important bring you to legal problems since your actions can be qualified as sending unsolicited mail.
UK Email Hunter extracts the addresses directly from live Web pages, so you know they are fresh and targeted,
Sending your emails to a targeted list ensures the majority of recipients will have an interest in your products or services and are not likely to automatically delete your emails as spam.
The major difference Between UK Email Hunter and other harvester is the speed and quality of the emails. There is no other program out there that has been able to go faster than 500,000 emails per hour when crawling the web, UK Email Hunter can go at least x3 faster than that.
Our collector supports all major search engines, such as google, yahoo, It can spider including any html, CGI, PHP, ASP page etc. UK Email Hunter saves your email address lists in a text file. And you can import these address to bulk Email Sender software to send them out.


Fixed some bugs.

UK Email HunterInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
Turbo-Mailer Icon
Mass mail software for sending bulk email. Supports personalization variables.
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Trace email messages back to the sender, spam filter can stop emails server side
OutTwit Icon
can update your Twitter status and follow your friends.
Anonymail Pro Icon
Anonymous mailer that hide any kind of information of the sender.
SuperMailer (64-bit) Icon
Send and manage personalized serial E-mails and newsletters.
Email Sender Deluxe Icon
Mass mail sender! Quickly send out personalized bulk emails.
Atomic Email Hunter Icon
Stop wasting money! Extract e-mails from web sites relevant to your business!
LiteMail Icon
LiteMail is an easy to use mail server with mail forwarding and a catch-all.